
Showing posts from April, 2023

Marcus Rashford - Industry and Audience

                                                                          Audience 1) Who are the potential target audiences for Marcus Rashford's online content? Try and cover both  demographics and psychographics . Marcus Rashford target audience is psychographics  2) Marcus Rashford’s online presence is partly driven by his excellent use of social media. How does he use social media to engage with his fans and make them feel part of his brand? he engage social media with all of his post he got follower   3) What is Marcus Rashford's Instagram engagement rate and what does this tell us?  His Instagram engagement is 6% this show us he is not as active as some other influences. 4) Go to Marcus Rashford's Twitter or Instagram account. Find and screenshot/link three tweets/posts that show the different aspects of his brand e.g. Relatable person (normal, down to earth), Campaigner (interested in politics), Celebrity footballer (e.g. awards ceremony or fashion). Marcus Rashord

Marcus Rashford - Language and Representations

                                                                            Language 1) Make two lists - one of website conventions used on Marcus Rashford's official website and one of social media conventions found on Rashford's Twitter or Instagram pages.  Marcus Rashford is famous footballer and he has own brand 2) How does his website promote the Marcus Rashford brand? The website promotes Marcus Rashford by using social media links and multimedia features. 3) What is the first page you see when you visit Marcus Rashford's website and how does this promote his brand and good causes? We see different videos of Marcus Rashford that show him as more than a footballer. 4) How does Marcus Rashford use his social media profiles to promote his brand and campaigns? Give at least three examples of different posts / images / design from his social media.  he uses Instagram to share pictures of him self as a footballer and he uses twitter to talk about social issue that he cares